If it does…and you’d like to register your interest in booking this spectacular treatment (both Shanice & Abbie trained today & nearly fell asleep)….click below & add your name to the waitlist quoting “I NEED TO DIGITALLY DETOX” and not only will you be amazed at how relaxed you can become, but you’ll receive either of these two collections FREE for being the first to have this treatment. (10 gifts available..worth £25)
1 Hour 15 minutes £64
The Ultra Relaxing Facial is designed for women and men who feel stressed and mentally “overloaded”, those looking for a “digital detox” and a break from busy lives, for those who wish to “reconnect” with one’s self, for an hour or so of calming chill...no mobile...no distraction!
Perfect for those who love essential oils and are concerned about green beauty and who want to feel good and look good. Those expecting all the relaxing benefits of a massage, in a facial. Does this sound like you?